
4th of July: The Celebration of a Day off from Work.

Is it the fireworks? No. Is it the grilled out burgers? No. Is it the excuse to drink during the day? No.

It's the day off from work that has me so excited about the 4th of July! But the other things are pretty fantastic as well. Now what to wear for the day...

I have been pondering my outfit for days, obviously, and I have narrowed it down to some pieces. I decided that I will be dressing to the theme, but of course that is optional. When deciding what to wear, it all really just depends on the plans for the day. If the plans are to be by the pool, well then hop in your car and head to Target immediately. All of their adorable bathing suits and cover ups are on sale for even cheaper than when they first surfaced in February. If the plans are grilling out on the balcony and drunkenly getting overly excited about the fireworks, as are mine, take some inspiration from what I used to make my decision.

On the other hand, if you shall be attending a fancy soiree, as will my super classy sister, here are some inspirations for your uptown ensemble. 

Enjoy your 4th of July! It's a good thing this holiday's requirements are beer and hamburgers. Beer to drink, and hamburgers to sober you up. 

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